Health is the Gift
“How do we navigate this, knowing it’s a pilgrimage for many people?”
We interrupt this holiday season with a message for your higher self…
Health is a journey and at times it feels like The Hero’s Journey. This time of year inspires us to literally drop our health practices in the dust and do the happy dance at the thought of the pies, heavenly yams, Mac'n'cheese and other holiday delights! For others, this time breeds stress, anxiety and even depression. For so many of us, this year may feel like a little serving of both!
I’m here to remind you that it is a literal pilgrimage back to the self which knows what the body and mind need and is ready to take the steps to both listen and give to it the self-care/healthcare required. I’m here to remind you that you can elevate your holidays in the simplest of ways. Baby steps! One tiny empowering and nourishing decision at a time.
We are literally born craving the sweetness of mama's milk and each of us has areas on our tongue that recognizes sweet. The same centers of our brain light up equally from the taste of sweet as from intimacy and other chemical substances. You might think the odds are stacked. However, when we really examine the craving more deeply…we realize the hidden hunger is the need for real sweetness, passion, contribution and connection in our life. Sometimes we literally just need sleep and some peace to shift the cravings and feelings.
Whatever the reason, whether biological, physiological or psychological —you have a power in you to SHIFT this season in your favor. Trust what you know to be true and gently rewrite the holiday and this “new year new you” story in whatever big or little ways you feel ready for.
Lead, do not follow & set a new standard in your own way. It may look like one less scoop of you know what… that thing that makes you feel awful and bloated or throws off your blood sugar - I know! As we say in my programs - “Better beats bad”. What else can you have that doesn’t reverse your health goals (as much lol!) It may look like stopping and slowing down the moment with your kids or loved ones and playing a game or something that brings on the healing power of laughter. It may look like a grateful but gentle “no” to an offering of something that doesn't serve you. It may mean you don’t offer auntie (out of “love”) more of the things that she’s needing to avoid. It may mean you start with salad, greens, veggies and protein first. Finally, it may mean that you take a quiet moment for yourself to walk, meditate or pray and replenish before you start serving others.
The point is that you have the power to choose. You can choose to feel good and know that it’s not the food or anything else giving you the power - it’s you. You can take your time and enjoy little victories that mean something to you. Breath and remember that this season is yours to write. Above all else, please remember that this holiday season and every season, health and wellbeing is the sweetest gift!
7 Tips for A Happier and Healthier Holiday Dinner:
Pause. Take moments during planning, shopping and preparing to slow down, breathe deep and sit still. Or listen to music that makes you happy and lifts you up! (Our personal family remedy)
Remember our saying: Better beats bad! Ask yourself - is there a better option or a better way. We also don’t have to be breaking bad all day. Wait for the one amazing serving of that yummy thing you're looking forward to rather than a slow drip of sugar all day and all week.
Walk after a heavy holiday meal to bring down blood sugar and get some circulation going. Invite friends or the whole family!
Start with the salad, protein and veggies! Protein-Fiber- (quality) Fat…fills you up and helps to keep your blood sugar balanced.
Lighten up on the sweets. Experiment with adding less sugar or lower glycemic natural sweeteners. Or consider, does it need to be sweetened? (I know statements like that make folks down right angry!😂 but someone has to ask!)
Choose to feel good. Consider alternatives or substitutes for foods that don’t make you feel good (dairy, fried food, gluten).
Finish the day before you start it. Take a moment to envision the perfect day and then align your actions with your vision. Don’t forget to include how you want to feel and let yourself begin to feel it —now!
Last year, Makini Integrative Health and many of you embarked upon a health journey designed to disrupt the status quo of health diminishing habits during the holidays and in our everyday lives. Out of that holiday health talk we launched the beginning of a One Year Wellness Journey for a powerful cohort of African American Women and their friends, cousins and mothers. I’m not exaggerating when I say - it’s been life changing for us! From better lab values and reversing symptoms to creating a lifestyle that brings joy, satisfaction and wellbeing.
As we move into 2023, I have some very special offerings for you to make this year the year that rewrites your story to one of Wellness and Resilience! Stay tuned and invite your community to join my mailing list so no one misses the magic!
Wishing you and yours the very merriest and happiest of holidays possible!
To your wonderful health, Makini