My Heart Teacher
Did you see the documentary on Netflix - My Octopus Teacher? A must see family flick….an awkward yet powerful and loving, confusingly riveting tale of a man and his unfolding relationship and lessons from an octopus he discovered on his dives…
Heart Healthy Roasted Veggies | Dr. Yum Project
One of the easiest and most delicious ways to prepare vegetables, and keep them heart healthy, is to roast them. Something really magical happens when you allow the vegetables to cook in just a small amount of healthy fat, on a cookie sheet at medium temperature.
“Practice loving yourself whenever you can. This is the basis for being able to have loving relationships with others. Consider that the Heart first pumps oxygen rich blood to itself through the coronary arteries, and then sends it to the rest of the body. If it did not do so, it would be unable to supply all the needs beyond it. Self-love is not selfishness or self-centeredness but the basis for extending love beyond yourself.”
Greetings family, we can all take a few lessons from our own heart. I came across that reminder about the heart pumping blood to itself first a few weeks ago and felt instantly moved by it. To paraphrase, our own heart first feeds itself that which gives life so that it has all it needs to do-be-or create beyond it. What gives you life? Water, oxygen, apples, protein…What about dance, friends, laughter, joy or spirituality…or maybe even an organized kitchen or beautiful sunset. Too often we ignore our bodies’ needs and warning signs because we don’t have time, support, desire, or know how to respond to what our bodies are asking us. The greatest irony is that, like our heart teacher, if we don’t supply ourselves with what we need, we won't be able to continue to supply all the needs beyond ourselves for as long or as well as we deserve.
At the start of Health is the Gift holiday health series I asked the question “What is health?”. Well…It’s not only about food or medicine. It’s about self-awareness, strength of character, and yes Self-Care - the foundation to wellbeing and happiness. It is your willingness to observe your body’s needs and take action towards meeting them - the most powerful decision you can make. Choosing to live a healthy life starts with the realization that self-care is medicine that requires following through and respecting yourself enough to not give up on your body‘s needs.
A note on Lifestyle Medicine…
I’d like to introduce you to the field of Lifestyle Medicine and the basis for most of the cardiac rehab and heart disease reversals that have come about in the last decade or two. In lifestyle medicine, individuals continue to work along with their doctor or specialist while making specific changes in their diets, in the amount of exercise and movement they prioritize, in how they work with stressors in life, and finally in their relationships to themselves and others. Lifestyle medicine changes lives and is often completely free! These changes are often better than drugs and surgery. These changes can lengthen telomeres and Influence your microbiome (not just digestion, but also your neurotransmitters and hormones). Multiple studies show that these changes in diet and lifestyle are often better than angioplasties and stents in treating stable Coronary heart disease, as one example. Learn more here.
We all interpret the heart differently, some just see it as a pump and for others it’s a metaphor for love itself. Either way, there’s golden nuggets for all of us from our heart teacher.
I had the absolute honor to share a talk on heart health during last Saturday’s “Health Is The Gift” holiday health and wellness series. Thank you to all who joined, I adore that a couple of us had our moms with us! That’s the dream, that we bring our parents, children, aunties, uncles, and best friends. Grow together - together! We focused on 4 key themes inspired by the Book Undo it! by Dean Ornish, a Medicare approved expert on heart and chronic disease reversal. So using the heart itself as a teacher let’s review:
Our heart feeds itself oxygen rich blood for ultimate nourishment, afterwards it supports the rest of the body! Do that for yourself! We talked about why it’s important to “Begin” eating meals, foods, ingredients that heal and bring you life while lowering Oxidative Stress and Chronic inflammation in your body. Chronic inflammation is now considered the closest link to chronic diseases and illness of all kinds. If you or someone you love is dealing with any form of cardiovascular/heart disease, consider quickly moving toward an anti-inflammatory diet. Furthermore, leading researchers and even cardiologists (and I) highly recommend a whole foods plant based lifestyle for long term wellness. Do you know that many people have reversed even advanced chronic cardiovascular challenges under the care of their doctor with diet and lifestyle prescriptions? (Will focus talks specifically on transitioning gracefully to WFPB living in other talks and in my One Year Program for sure!) Dr. Andrew Freeman, aka “the Vegan Cardiologist,” and other leading cardiologist and Doctors have had great success not just treating, but actually curing, his cardiology patients through a combination of traditional western medicine but with a focus on exercise and a heart-healthy diet.
This does NOT mean you must become a vegan - we are all bio-individual and need different things at different times. It does ask you to add some intention and awareness to your week about what you're eating and how you feel hours and days after. Start to make shifts each day in the directions of your dream for heart health and longevity as a priority in your life - Do it for you! If not for you (yet) then do it for the ones you love and those that love you.
By diet - we mean “way of eating”. You have all heard diets don’t work and it’s all too often that is true! It can be difficult to experience lasting change in your health or weight without changing your mindset, shifting your identity and incorporating new habits into your lifestyle.
Our heart teacher rests when appropriate and still never stops being active. It strives to be consistent, reliable, and strong. Do that! Find a way to keep moving your body!... if not jogging then swimming, if not swimming then walking, if not walking then gentle movement in a chair. Start with where you are and work up from there! Physical activity (especially regular moderate to vigorous aerobic activity) improves and strengthens the heart and blood vessels.
Physical activity can help control some of the risk factors for Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) because it:
Lowers blood pressure and triglycerides. Triglycerides are a type of fat in the blood.
Raises HDL cholesterol levels. HDL is sometimes called “good” cholesterol.
Manages blood sugar and insulin levels, which lowers your risk for type 2 diabetes.
Reduces levels of C-reactive protein (CRP) in your body. This protein is a sign of inflammation. High levels of CRP may suggest an increased risk for CHD.
For people who have CHD, aerobic activity helps the heart work better and reduce the risk of a heart attack. It also may reduce the risk of a second heart attack in people who already have had heart attacks.
Vigorous aerobic activity may not be safe for people who have CHD. Ask your doctor what types of activity are safe for you.
Helps maintain a healthy weight and reduce obesity when combined with a healthy diet.
If a new workout routine isn’t in the cards just yet, consider the practices of our 100 year old fellow humans. In the Blue Zones of the world where people are living up to and beyond 100 years old, Dan Butner shares that one secret to these centenarians' success is daily life activity. Gardening, mowing the lawn, walking into the local store, or watching grandchildren and all that comes with that. Be inspired by this TED talk about the Blue Zones here! You will recognize a few components of Lifestyle medicine practices that we’ve been talking about for weeks now.
Did you know our heart teacher functions off of energy? The heart has its own electrical impulse, like all muscles, the heart needs a source of energy and oxygen to function. The heart's pumping action is regulated by an electrical conduction system that coordinates the rhythm and contraction of the various chambers of the heart. From emotional, physical, to literal electrical energy, our life and health depend on our ability to keep a consistent flow of positive energy coming in that in turn inspires coordinated function and flow in our lives. Yes, we all have those days and weeks where we feel like we can’t catch a break, but with a consistent practice on raising your vibration and lowering your stress response, you will notice that the everyday doesn't take you as far off of your game as it used to. In fact, our heart teacher can continue to beat even when separated from the body, as long as it has an adequate supply of oxygen. Find a way to incorporate regular breath work, meditation, therapy, loving relationships, self love - self care, community, and laughter into your daily practice. So even when you feel disconnected from your body and wellbeing one moment, your power source will still be beating and supporting you.
Food for thought
Begin Again! I applaud all the participants of “Health Is The Gift” and any of you taking the time to read this. You are clearly ready to set a new standard, learn and incorporate what you can in order to have this new year (and beyond) be your best ever! Still, try as we may, something will come up or our craving is just too strong and you may fall from your goal. It’s important to immediately realign with your “why”, your goals, and your expanding identity and simply - Begin Again! If Saturday is tricky, then begin again on Sunday or even Saturday night. No need to take a “L” on the entire weekend. Remember the consistency of our heart teacher and how powerful constant force applied over time can restructure mountains, create diamonds, and create the us we envision. Luckily our heart doesn’t stop even after each palpitation, it endeavors to begin again. Give Thanks for your heart right now – in fact, take a few deep breaths, put your hand on your chest and just feel grateful!
Ok last, let’s put our heads together on a couple simple plays to implement full spectrum heart and cardiovascular health into your holidays and beyond.
Health Huddle
Play #1 - Anti-inflammatory Eating
Try on an Anti-inflammatory diet or better yet a Whole Foods Plant Based lifestyle. Already adopted Meatless Mondays? Try adding Veggie Taco Tuesday! Ultimately, experiment with reducing your animal protein and diversifying your protein intake in general, (if financially reasonable) prioritize free range/grass fed/ wild caught meats and fish. How our meat is raised has a ripple effect in our and our bodies and planet.
I can hear you saying “well then, what do I eat” lol - I’ve been hearing that question for years! If that’s you, I have a secret to set your mind at ease…ready? Everything else! Incorporating dishes that are naturally high in flavor via delicious anti-inflammatory spices, low or no animal protein and full plant strong high protein high fiber nutrient rich amazing vegetable dishes, and eating the rainbow when it comes to fruits and berries will energize your soul and support your life force energy in ways that you can’t imagine. Don’t forget foods and ingredients naturally low in unhealthy processed saturated / trans fats and low in added refined sugar and processed refined simple carbohydrates. I know a person who lowered his cholesterol and reversed his heart disease by just adopting “healthy” habits before he got home from work. He said the rest of the evening he gave himself permission to relax on some things with a couple common sense exceptions. The point is that you can start out right where you are and tackle one meal a week, or one meal a day, or one full day a week. Or… just continuing to focus on Whole Foods that are not processed and will one day rot! Foods should rot if it sits on the shelf too long!
If you or your kid are die hard carnivores… OK, then first start where you are. Better beats bad! Can you seek quality animal proteins as a first step? Then start to substitute a couple of things like veggie burgers (beyond products are everywhere!). Though still processed, they are a step in a good direction. Add lentils to your pasta sauce, whole or blended, and toss it all together… you can add protein rich ingredients to most sauces to increase the protein content of anything! In my family, we recently tried chickpea pasta which was an adjustment, but the kids will like it if the sauce is good! I feel better about the carbs not being so empty.
Play #2 - Add Movement
Shake shake shake…shake your body line! Song by Harry Belafonte! Enjoy here. So movement! Add 20-30 min of movement 3-5 times a week. Mix it up! Just begin with what feels like the most fun and alluring option as it’s probably what you might actually stick with. Changing your routine and forming a new habit takes consistency and intentionality. Movement can be anything to start with. Promise yourself that you will take a walk around your block/down your hallway, dance to your favorite song or try out an aerobics class! It doesn’t have to stop there…get up and get the remote yourself, park further away from your destination and enjoy getting a few extra steps, take the stairs! (Easier said than done but you will be proud of yourself for the attempt. I Promise!)
*Inactivity is a major risk factor that you don’t have to sit down for!
Play #3 - De-stress your life
De-stress like your life depends on it…it does! Take this tip from a doula; I learned this in my hypnobirthing training years ago - The mind can only think one thought at a time. Make those thoughts nutritive. Notice what you're noticing and begin again with a better thought that serves you. Feel empowered in your ability to focus on what is most nutritive for you.
Laughing is good for your heart. It reduces stress and gives a boost to your immune system.
Did you know that most heart attacks happen on a Monday and Christmas day is the most common day of the year that the most heart attacks happen. This Holiday season is the one that you use your meditation app to help you calm down from shopping and planning stressors. This season is the one that you take 5 deep belly breaths you learned on youtube before you get out of bed in the morning. This season is the one that you call your cousin, bring food to the elders on your block, and gather with your close family (safely). This season is the one that you refuse to gossip or focus on what you DO NOT want. Priourtize loving relationships, positive people, humor, and fun activities. Raise your vibration!
You got this - Go team!
*My mom says “Steelers are having a very very bad year!” However, with these winning plays you can win the game of heart health!
See you this Saturday for our next talk in theHealth is the Gift series! Go to for more info on Health is the Gift! A holiday health series for POC and their friends and loved ones. Score a free 30 min health coaching session to start your year off.
*Always listen to your own body. I share recommendations and you make the decisions! This information is not intended to replace medical advice. Talk to your doctor about your diet and lifestyle changes (forgive them if they don’t know tons about it). Know your numbers with baseline testing (more talks to come about testing!)
Ideas to inspire and support you on your way:
Easy Black Bean Beet Burger Recipe - It's a Veg World After All®
Makini’s hardy warm winter salad:
Base - Kale salad, Romain, mix of some kind (salad bad is a great start)
Fall/winter add-ins - sautéed or baked mushrooms/onions/both, cubed Sweet potatoes/squash/both, and cooked lentils/chickpeas/black beans/salmon…
Fresh additions - red onions sliced/diced, shaved carrots or beets…
Directions- Toss together with a dressing of choice! Done!
*If everything else has flavor. The dressing can be simple cold pressed olive oil, apple cider vinegar/balsamic vinegar/lemon, pepper, pinch of salt or more spice to replace salt! Blend in some avocado for texture. Blend in some jam for a berry vinaigrette vibe.
“The inner child is connected to the deepest reaches of the heart, you take care of the heart and the heart will take care of you.”